Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Perfect Dream

Here's a piece I wrote off the top of my head in 2008! It's about love that's in a different time zone and how it feels longing for it! Enjoy!!!!

Like a baby fox I stay on nocturnal watch
Pissed at an east coast time clock
And wishing with you all time would just stop
I'm this bushy tailed fox
Trying to count rocks and sleep my way into a perfect dream
Not sleeping awake at night
Needing to know what the f*ck does it mean
So I keep retracing my steps trying to figure out where did I go wrong
But we still end up in this tangled dance and song
And I can't help but feel like I was tricked and wronged
Cuz like a newborn with fragile wings I still can't fly
But conversations with you gives new life to living things
And falling out of the nest isn't as bad as it seems
Now, whereas before I was alone
I have you to pick me up and strengthen my wings.

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